Molecular Volume

User 185d42c790

28-01-2012 17:30:39

I tried using the page at to calculate molecular volume.  I could not figureout where the result in the 'Molecular 'Property' view.

Please let me know the "directions" to molecular volume.


Piyasiri A.

ChemAxon 6c76bc6409

28-01-2012 18:36:46

Hi Asoka,

On, molecular volume is available in the Geometry box of the properties viewer. Please see the attached screenshot for an example.

By default, geometry isn't calculated when the webpage loads for performance reasons, but you can click on the Calculate button inside the geometry box to request the calculation and the results should appear within a few seconds.

User 185d42c790

18-08-2014 18:37:36

Thank you for your last response.

Please let me know the model and the basis set used for the calculation of molecular volumes.

Also, please let me know how to reference this calculation in a publication.


Thanks again,


ChemAxon d51151248d

19-08-2014 09:58:15

Dear Asoka, 

The algorithm implemented in the Geometry Plugin wasn't taken from a publication, it was our own invention. 

There is a description of the method under the following forum topic:

Please refer to the calculation simply as ChemAxon's own calculation method for calculating Van der Waals

volumes in the Geometry Plugin and use the references that are given for the appropriate products (Marvin) below: 

Best regards,
