CAS# To Name

User bf27213fcf

20-12-2010 23:43:51


Can molconvert be used to convert a cas # into a smiles code?



ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

22-12-2010 12:13:20

Hello Ben,

You cannot currently convert cas numbers to structures. We are exploring options right now to include this in the near future. This would most likely require internet connectivity, as the complete CAS registry is huge.

Best regards,


PS: CAS names are already supported.

ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

22-12-2010 22:20:21

CAS numbers will be supported starting from the next release.

User bf27213fcf

22-12-2010 22:49:31

Hello Daniel,

Is this refering to the 5.5 release? Do you have an estimate when it might be released?



ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

22-12-2010 23:30:47

It will actually be in the 5.4.1 release, which is planned to be released January 31st, 2011.



User bf27213fcf

03-03-2011 01:01:12


I'm checking to see if CAS# -> Smiles has been implemented.  With MARVIN_VERSION= I use the command:

molconvert smiles -s 64-17-5

But I get the error: 1: error: Error parsing SMILES string '64-17-5' at character 1 ('6')

Thanks for all the help,


ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

03-03-2011 08:02:37

Hello Ben,

Thanks for the report. The support for CAS # is there in 5.4.1, however there is a problem with automatic format recognition. I fixed it, so the next version will support your command as is. In the mean time you need to specify a format:

molconvert smiles -s '64-17-5{name}'

User c29d691f4a

07-04-2011 14:50:21

I too am inerested in CAS -> Name (or structure).  I have Instant JChem, JChem for Excel and a N>S license.  Is there any integration of this function with these products?  If not, what is the best way to take advantage of this function?

Thank you,

ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

11-04-2011 08:10:05

Hi Chris,

How would you like to import CAS numbers? Typing/copy-pasting one, or importing many from a file?

Best regards,


User c29d691f4a

11-04-2011 14:18:13

For my purposes, importing many.  Thanks!

ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

12-04-2011 06:08:41

In Instant JChem, you should create a file with extension ".name", for instance "", containing one cas number per line. You can then import it using the File/Import file... menu entry.

I'll get back to you about JChem for Excel.

ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

12-04-2011 06:13:12

In JChem for Excel, you should be able to convert in the same way as if the numbers were IUPAC names, as documented in

User c29d691f4a

12-04-2011 15:06:56

Hello David,

  Thanks for taking the time to help me.  I'm using IJC 5.3.4, so I'm afraid it might not support this feature.  Unfortunately, I am unable to upgrade at this point in time.  For when I do upgrade, I am not clear on the functionality.  If I import a file of just CAS numbers into a blank JChemBase table, I would have to map CAS# to structure, leaving me with a table of structures that has no mapable feature.  If I already have a table, then it would already have structures (IJC requirement).

  Regarding JC4XL (, I tried as you instructed and had no luck (see attached).  Is it possibel this function requires S->N?  With my license set-up, I don't know that I can generate names (unless I cheat and let Marvin do it for me one at time).  So, if the logic is CAS->Name->Structure, I don't have the middle piece.

  Thanks again.


ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

12-04-2011 16:01:11

For IJC, you need version 5.4.1 indeed. You can import into an empty table. After import it will have the structure, the cas number as a name, and any calculated feature you want. I'm not sure what "mapable feature" means, let us know if that meets your needs.

I'm asking the JChem for Excel to respond about that product.

ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

14-04-2011 06:33:00

In JC4XL, it will work in version 5.5, due approximately in a couple of weeks.