about the complete chiral molecule name.

User 05309f4af8

23-10-2009 09:35:39


I used JChemAPI("chemaxon.jep.Evaluator") to get chiral molecule name, I just get the name missing "(S)" or "(R") property.

How to do if I want to get the complete name such as "(R)-(2-METHOXYPHENYL)METHYLPHENYLPHOSPHINE"?

Please see the attached image.



ChemAxon a3d59b832c

24-10-2009 09:11:54

Hi Andy,


I moved this topic to the naming forum area. My colleagues will answer soon.


My understanding is that naming recognizes (R) and (S) isomers, but the phosphorus is not considered a stereocenter (as it has only three bonds).


But anyway, my colleagues will confirm whether this is the case.


Best regards,


ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

24-10-2009 11:27:02

Dear Andy,

The Phosphorus in phosphines is not recognised as stereo center but it seems to be a bug.

So we will fix it.

thank you for the report
