generating iupac and tradional name

User ddf03b522f

03-05-2007 08:38:21

what is the syntax to generate iupac and traditional names from an sd file of structures and store them in a new iupac and tradional name field?

Is there any functionality to generate the above using jchem manager whilst importing an sd file into a database table. e.g. like when it generates the smile strings, formula and mol weights?

ChemAxon e08c317633

03-05-2007 15:27:22

ob4ect wrote:
what is the syntax to generate iupac and traditional names from an sd file of structures and store them in a new iupac and traditional name field?
Generate preferred IUPAC names and store them in "iupac" SD field (input file: test.sdf, output file: names.sdf):

cxcalc -S -t "iupac" -o names.sdf name test.sdf

Generate traditional names and store them in "traditional name" SD field (input file: the previously generated names.sdf, output file: names2.sdf):

 cxcalc -S -t "traditional name" -o names2.sdf name -t traditional names.sdf

After these two steps the output will contain a "iupac" field with preferred IUPAC name and a "traditional name" field with traditional name.

Using pipelining capabilities of Unix/Linux systems these two steps can be executed in one step:

cxcalc -S -t "iupac" name test.sdf | cxcalc -S -t "traditional name" -o names2.sdf name -t traditional

Store both names in one field, named "iupac and traditional names":

cxcalc -S -t "iupac and traditional names" -o bothnames.sdf name -t preferred,traditional test.sdf
Is there any functionality to generate the above using jchem manager whilst importing an sd file into a database table. e.g. like when it generates the smile strings, formula and mol weights?
Yes, you can add a Chemical Terms field to JChem table, that generates the preferred IUPAC name or traditional name.

Chemical Terms expression for generating preferred IUPAC name:


Chemical Terms expression for generating traditional name:


Adding a Chemical Terms field to a JChem table using JChemManager:

(See the screenshot, and the description below screenshot.)

Adding a Chemical Terms field to a JChem table using Instant JChem application:

I have attached the result file of the command line example (names2.sdf).

Best regards,


User ddf03b522f

10-07-2007 21:30:17

why does the iupac naming plugin require a license yet marvin sketch will generate the iupac name wihtout a license?

ChemAxon e08c317633

11-07-2007 06:43:51

ob4ect wrote:
why does the iupac naming plugin require a license yet marvin sketch will generate the iupac name wihtout a license?
In single mode IUPAC Naming plugin does not require a license, but in batch mode license is required.

Batch mode:

- cxcalc ("name" calculation),

- Chemical Terms ("name()" and "taditionalName()" functions),

- API,

- molconvert (converting to "name" format),

- saving more than one molecule in name format from MarvinView.

Note: In Instant JChem Chemical Terms is used for calculation, so license is required.

Best regards,


User ddf03b522f

11-07-2007 21:03:23

so how does one go about acquiring a license to use these features in batch mode if you are a student and using it for academic purpose?

ChemAxon e08c317633

12-07-2007 07:45:40

ob4ect wrote:
so how does one go about acquiring a license to use these features in batch mode if you are a student and using it for academic purpose?

Follow this link. You will need an active forum registration to apply.
