Fail to convert IUPAC to structure

User 15e354c165

22-05-2014 07:08:14


I can not convert the following IUPAC name to structure no matter by using molconvert in command mode or by using Marvin Sketch/Marvin View:


Could you please tell me what the problem is?


Thank you very much.




ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

17-06-2014 12:28:47

Hi Chun-Hung,

First, sorry about the delay in responding, we have an issue with our forum spam filter, which we are working on fixing.

Regarding the reported name, it was indeed failing to import because of a limitation in support for saturated polyacenes (such as tetracene). This is now fixed in our development version and will be released in our next version.

Best regards,
