Name to Structure: incorrect amide

User caa81a742d

28-10-2013 21:14:53

[1]  Select 'Name to Structure'

[2]  input 'cyheptamide'

[3]  the amide appears as O-C=N

[4]  the correct representation is O=C-N

[5]  the same issue occurs with 'cytenamide'

MarvinSketch v6.1.2 (and previous versions)

ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

05-11-2013 12:22:30


I have moved your question to the corresponding forum topic, my colleagues will answer for you soon. Thank you for your patience in the mean time.


ChemAxon e7b9408ca1

14-11-2013 13:52:45

Thank you for your report! These two structures will be fixed in version 6.3.