User f7fd3e897c
21-04-2013 21:05:58
I have issues in JChem for Excel to convert following names to structures (well I do have more than 20,000 names similarly)
Acetaldehyde, 2,2'· (methylimino) di·, tetramethyl acetal
Acetamide, N·1· adamantyl·
Acetamide, N·allyl·2· p.( tolylsulfonyl)·
Acetamide, 2·anilino· N·benzyl·
Acetamide, 2· (benzylamino )·N·( 4,6·diamino·s·triazin· 2·yl)
but, IUPAC names or common names to Structures work well,
any solutions appreciated.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
21-04-2013 21:21:10
HI Girinath,
moved this topic to the naming forum.
User f7fd3e897c
22-04-2013 04:42:24
giribio wrote: |
I have issues in JChem for Excel to convert following names to structures (well I do have more than 20,000 names similarly)
Acetaldehyde, 2,2'· (methylimino) di·, tetramethyl acetal
Acetamide, N·1· adamantyl·
Acetamide, N·allyl·2· p.( tolylsulfonyl)·
Acetamide, 2·anilino· N·benzyl·
Acetamide, 2· (benzylamino )·N·( 4,6·diamino·s·triazin· 2·yl)
but, IUPAC names or common names to Structures work well,
any solutions appreciated.
In some cases when I replaced "·" with "-" made it to work, but again the first, last one and few others did not work well.
ChemAxon e7b9408ca1
22-04-2013 10:27:25
Hi Girinath,
After correcting · into -, that is using:
Acetaldehyde, 2,2'- (methylimino) di-, tetramethyl acetal
Acetamide, N-1- adamantyl-
Acetamide, N-allyl-2- p-( tolylsulfonyl)-
Acetamide, 2-anilino- N-benzyl-
Acetamide, 2- (benzylamino )-N-( 4,6-diamino-s-triazin- 2-yl)
In my tests, all the names are converted, except the first one. Are you saying you are getting several (2?) errors on this?
The first name is a relatively special case which is not handled yet, though it might be in a later version.