User e4183f4538
10-08-2011 17:58:05
I would like to use ScreenMD in connection with some IJC tables - connecting via a screenmd.xml <Database> tag.
The relevant screen.xml section is:
<Database StructureTableName="STRUCTURES" Restrict="" Driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@[server]:1521:p30clnp" LoginName="[un]" Password="[pw]"/>
<Query Name="full_ic50_wo_actives.smi"/>
All my tables are created via IJC/Cartridge and function correctly in IJC. However, the screenmd command returns this error:
Error: Table "CHEMAXON.STRUCTURES" is not defined in property table "JChemProperties".
java.sql.SQLException: Error: Table "CHEMAXON.STRUCTURES" is not defined in property table "JChemProperties".
at chemaxon.jchem.db.MDTableHandler.<init>(
at chemaxon.jchem.db.MDTableHandler.<init>(
at chemaxon.descriptors.ScreenMD.processDatabaseOptions(
at chemaxon.descriptors.ScreenMD.processCmdLineOptions(
at chemaxon.descriptors.ScreenMD.main(
What exactly is ScreenMD looking for in my JChemProperties table that isn't put in there automatically by IJC? Or rather, what is it looking for (so I can see if it's missing)? For IJC purposes, the indices and table links *seem* to be correct, but I can't find documentation on what ScreenMD itself is looking for in a database connection.