User ce5f27518b
16-06-2011 13:52:47
Hi all,
I want to use screenmd wih ECFP descriptor but I retrieve all compounds (with dissimilarity score higher than 0.2) even if a Tanimoto threshold is present in xml file. On contrary, Euclidean threshold seems to be respected (I try to put 20 and I retrieve compounds with score lower than 20)... Moreover, if I delete the line <ParametrizedMetric Name="Euclidean" ActiveFamily="Generic" Metric="
Euclidean" Threshold="10"/>, Euclidean score is still calculated with a threshold of 10 and Tanimoto one is still not respected... What do I do wrong?
My second question is: how to use ECFP with counts? I change no to yes at the line <Parameters Length="1024" Diameter="4" Counts="no"/> but it doesn't seem to change anything in scores.
Here is the command line:
screenmd ../ref_base_myid.sdf ../CDC.sdf -k ECFP -c ecfp.xml -o table hits.txt -o sdf hits.sdf -I MY_ID
with ecfp.xml =
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ECFPConfiguration Version="0.1">
<Parameters Length="1024" Diameter="4" Counts="no"/>
<!-- Default atom properties (switched on by Value=1) -->
<Property Name="AtomicNumber" Value="1"/>
<Property Name="HeavyNeighborCount" Value="1"/>
<Property Name="HCount" Value="1"/>
<Property Name="FormalCharge" Value="1"/>
<Property Name="IsRingAtom" Value="1"/>
<!-- Other built-in atom properties (switched off by Value=0) -->
<Property Name="ConnectionCount" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="Valence" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="Mass" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="MassNumber" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="HasAromaticBond" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="IsTerminalAtom" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="IsStereoAtom" Value="0"/>
<StandardizerConfiguration Version="0.1">
<Action ID="aromatize" Act="aromatize"/>
<RemoveExplicitH ID="RemoveExplicitH" Groups="target"/>
<ParametrizedMetric Name="Tanimoto" ActiveFamily="Generic" Metric="T
animoto" Threshold="0.2"/>
<ParametrizedMetric Name="Euclidean" ActiveFamily="Generic" Metric="
Euclidean" Threshold="10"/>
Thanks for helping,