Problem in running optimizemetrics.

User 4b8a3205dc

07-03-2007 10:47:27 its working....thank you...

ChemAxon efa1591b5a

07-03-2007 11:00:08


I reckon the pharma-frag.xml configuration file is not compatible with the optimizemetrics application. Which version of jchem are you using?

Does the 4th line of the XML configuration file begin with the "PharmacophoreFingerprintConfiguration" keyword or not?



User 4b8a3205dc

07-03-2007 11:35:25


i am using JChem 3.2.3 version .

this is the 4 th line of the XML file" <PharmacophoreConfiguration Version ="0.3" schemaLocation="pharmacophores.xsd">"

attaching the XML also..

ChemAxon efa1591b5a

07-03-2007 11:44:34

This is an old file that should not be in that JChem distribution. Apologies, we will correct the file in the next release of JChem.

There should be "PharmacophoreFingerprintConfiguration" instead of "PharmacophoreConfiguration", will you please correct it in your XML file? The rest of the file is just fine, I hope this solves the problem.



User 4b8a3205dc

08-03-2007 05:40:35


i have corrected the XML and tried, but i am getting the following message:

OptimizeMetrics - Molecular Descriptor Dissimilarity Metrics Optimizer 3.2.3,

(C) 2002-2007 ChemAxon Ltd.

No valid license key has been found for OptimizeMetrics.

The maximal number of calls (103) without a license key has been reached.

Please contact sales _at_ to obtain a license key.

Students and academic researchers can obtain license keys

for free through our Academic Package, for more information

please visit:

chemaxon.marvin.modules.LicenseException: No valid license key has been found fo

r OptimizeMetrics.

The maximal number of calls (103) without a license key has been reached.

Please contact sales _at_ to obtain a license key.

Students and academic researchers can obtain license keys

for free through our Academic Package, for more information

please visit:

at chemaxon.marvin.modules.LicenseManager$


at chemaxon.descriptors.OptimizeMetrics.main(

can u tell me whats the problem??

ChemAxon efa1591b5a

14-03-2007 09:31:46

I reckon you need to ask sales for the license keys. Though you should have received them after the registration procedure was completed. Did you get them at all?

Did you manage to install them? Still having problems?

Perhaps this link may provide some help:


User 4b8a3205dc

14-03-2007 09:41:10

i have the academid package and license key...

Thanks for your response..

now my problem is that i have tried to run optimizer with many parameters

for e.g OptimizeMetrics input\nci300.smiles input\ace-1-4.smiles input\ace-5-8.smiles -e 3 -H -v -f Enrichment -k CF -c input\cfp.xml -o opt-CF.xml -M Tanimotot Tanimoto -M Tanimotoa Tanimoto -a -M Euclideant Euclidean -M Euclideann Euclidean -n -M Euclideana Euclidean -a -k PF -o output\opt-PF.xml -c input\pharma-frag.xml -M Tanimotot Tanimoto -M Tanimotos Tanimoto -s -M Tanimotoa Tanimoto -a -M Tanimotosa Tanimoto -s -a -M Euclideant Euclidean -M Euclideann Euclidean -n -M Euclideanwn Euclidean -w -n -M Euclideana Euclidean -a -M Euclideanwa Euclidean -w -a -M Euclideanan Euclidean -a -n -M Euclideanwan Euclidean -w -a -n

but showing error that :

Error: Too many parameters. You are probably not using quotes for parameters

that contain more words.

can u tell me why..

we can use these many metrics options(parameters for metrics) in this program right???

User 4b8a3205dc

14-03-2007 10:14:27


my query was :

OptimizeMetrics input\nci300.smiles input\ace-1-4.smiles input\ace-5-8.smiles -e 3 -H -v -f Enrichment -k CF -c input\cfp.xml -o output\opt-CF.xml-M Tanimotot Tanimoto -M Tanimotoa Tanimoto -a -M Euclideant Euclidean -M Euclideann Euclidean -n -M Euclideana Euclidean -a

and it runs successfully and got the XML file.Then i did the Hitstatistics program,

hitstatistics input\nci700.smiles input\ace-9-16.smiles input\ace-5

-8.smiles -o output\hitstatCF.sdf -e 3 -b -k CF -c output\opt-CF.xml

this also run successfully ..

see the attachment.

my question is that in that result file , all the metrics have the same result,

CF Euclidean 1 0.5 -1 10 8 700 700 700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

here target set is 700, "Target Hits: number of hits from the random target set, the smaller the better "

Then what will came to know from this output??/

ChemAxon efa1591b5a

14-03-2007 15:14:38

This earlier post may help:
