User a7c284afc4
28-11-2006 16:20:19
Hello, I need to obtain a binary pharmacophore fingerprint but when I precise the option -2 in generatemd, I obtain an empty file...
How can I obtain this binary pharmacophore fingerprint?
Thank You!!!
User 677b9c22ff
05-12-2006 04:10:42
Theres an additional problem with generatemd, because scalar descriptors
like logP, logD and topological polar surface area (TPSA) can be listed,
but logP and logD are not calculated. Also binary descriptors for BCUT and
PF just generating empty lines (with -2 option)
Z:\>generatemd -k -L
GenerateMD - Molecular Descriptor Generator 3.2, (C) 2002-2006 ChemAxon Ltd.
Built in descriptor types:
Chemical Fingerprint (CF)
Pharmacophore Fingerprint (PF)
BCUT descriptors (BCUT)
Hydrogen bond Donor/Acceptor count (HDon/HAcc)
octanol-water distribution coefficient (LogD)
octanol-water partition coefficient (LogP)
Topological Polar Surface Area (TPSA)
Mass of molcule (Mass)
number of Heavy atoms (Heavy)
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
05-12-2006 09:11:36
Guys, you are right, the binary option does not work with those descriptors that are not binary.
So we cn say that it's a feature :-), however, printing the empty lines is inconsistent, so that's a bug.
If you need binary output for those descriptors that are not binary, please let us know and we will implement it. However, we this should be limited to decimal descriptors as binary representation of floating point descriptors is meaningless, I reckon.
LogD and LogP work for me quite nicely. Mind the capital L...
User a7c284afc4
05-12-2006 10:23:34
Ok, It will be a good thing for me to obtain this binary pharmacophore fingerprints and also for the other descriptors when it is possible.
Thank You very much
PS:When will we obtain it?
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
06-12-2006 11:48:28
Hi Tobias,
there is a bug in the BCUT generator, see this post
The example config files (bcut-charge.xml, bcut-hbond.xml, bcut-polarizability.xml, bcut.xml)
in examples/config (under your JChem installation directory) can also be useful in finding out how to obtain all types of BCUT descriptors.