problem with placing the license keys for pmapper screenmd

User 078f44ec4a

31-08-2006 05:22:24

I have a problem with placing the license keys for pmapper screenmd

> the keys for mspace and plugins are placed but i cannot place the keys

> in the jcman as the window open to connection to a database

> i dont have a JDBC driver without which it does not allow me to enter

> the Main GUI of of jcman

> i have a database from chemnabvgigator iResearch but it does not have

> any driver please help me to resolve the problem



ChemAxon efa1591b5a

31-08-2006 08:46:22

Hi, did you check thi s page about license key issues: I believe it does help.

There is one license file, licenses.dat, and that should contain all license keys.

If you do not want to use a JChemBase database (ie. sturcture files only), than you do not need to bother about jcman, that is for databse purposes only.



User 078f44ec4a

31-08-2006 13:15:53

Deart Sir

I have unzipped the software in the D:\chemaxon\ path

I have set the variables Path D:\chemaxon\jchem\bin and JCHEMHOME D:\chemaxon\jchem\

I have placed teh licenses.dat file in D:\chemaxon\ and also in D:\chemaxon\jchem\

The guidelines mention it should be placed in the chemaxon\licenses.dat in the home dir

the Problem I face it asks for the license when I run pmapper "chemaxon.marvin.calculations.Licenseexception: No valid license key found" is the error appearing

Please solve my problem



ChemAxon efa1591b5a

31-08-2006 13:27:28

Hi there,

I reckon the licenses.dat file is not placed under your home directory. The user home directory under MS Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\<userneme>, where <userneme> refers to your login name.

Did you copy licenses.dat in this directory?

