calculation of a tanimoto similarity matrix in cmd

User 6b694845c2

05-11-2015 17:14:10

Please put my question to the right topic as I am not sure where to post it!

I used to calculate a tanimoto similarity matrix with the following command in cmd

screenmd file.sdf file.sdf
–g –k CF –M Tanimoto –o output.txt

I am trying again after several months and I am getting the following error

Could you please tell me what is wrong?

The same command was working fine a few months ago.

Thank you.

ChemAxon d51151248d

17-11-2015 14:09:38


Thank you for sending us this question. However, I couldn't reproduce the issue you are talking about. I tested this command with the latest screenmd version and it works. Can you send us the version you used?



User 6b694845c2

19-11-2015 17:41:48

How can I check the version please?

ChemAxon d51151248d

20-11-2015 10:02:03


You can check the version of screenmd used by typing

screenmd -h

This will print the help message on the command line. In the first line of the help message you will find the version number. For example in my case this line is :

$ screenmd -h
ScreenMD - Molecular Descriptor Screening, (C) 2002-2015 ChemAxon Ltd.
Screens a given set of molecules against a given set of actives.

I hope this helps. 



User 6b694845c2

27-11-2015 17:53:58

Dear Daniel,

Thank you.

I run the command and my version is

How can I update it please?

I don't understand why it is not working as it used to.

Kind Regards,


ChemAxon d51151248d

30-11-2015 10:37:13

Dear Terry, 

Unfortunately I didn't manage to reproduce the error with your version. However, the best thing you can do now is to update your version to the latest release. To do this you have to update your JChem on your computer:

Just follow the download instructions on the website and that will help you.

I hope this helps. 
