Jklustor wrstat

User 6d24b35814

12-05-2015 10:31:23

JChem version 6.3.4 - environment linux


I'm using Jklustor on the commandline, I haven't used it for a while (probably since version 5.9.1).

It's throwing an error and it seems to be related to the wrstat option:

> jklustor -c sphex:0.5 test.smi -o wrmols:smiles:clust.smi -o wrstat:normal:result.txt

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: chemaxon.clustering.backend.oa.PrintStreamWrapper cannot be cast to java.io.PrintStream
        at chemaxon.clustering.backend.oa.OAWrStat.perform(OAWrStat.java:289)
        at chemaxon.clustering.backend.BM.run(BM.java:498)
        at chemaxon.clustering.backend.BM.main(BM.java:93)

The clustering is running fine, I get a clust.smi file.

If I remove "-o wrstat:normal:result.txt" from the command there are no errors, but I would like that summary output, is there something I need to change?


Many thanks



ChemAxon d51151248d

14-05-2015 11:20:57

Dear Ceara, 

Thank you for your bug report. We have managed to reproduce the problem, and will get back to you soon as the fix is ready. 

Best regards, 


ChemAxon 8b644e6bf4

28-05-2015 17:50:53

Dear Ceara,


Thanks again for the bug report. I fixed the "wrstat" output action; the fix is expected to appear in the release next week.


