how to calculate a similarity matrix in command line

User 6b694845c2

10-05-2015 16:59:31


I want to obtain a similarity matrix between a set of molecules. I am using the following command in cmd

screenmd file1.sdf file2.sdf -t:i:1 -o output.txt

but it doesn't work, could you please let me know what I am doing wrong?


ChemAxon d51151248d

13-05-2015 12:51:17


The screenmd can only generate dissimilarity values currently. To get the similarity matrix you should calculate 1-dissim. values. 

Does this help?


User 6b694845c2

14-05-2015 14:20:59

Dear Daniel.

Thank you very much for your reply. It is very logical what you say about the dissimilarity score.

The problem is the command I have written is not doing anything and I am looking for some help in to making it work.

Kind Regards,


ChemAxon d51151248d

16-05-2015 08:19:12

Hi Terry, 

I highly suggest that you take a look at the user manual of the screenmd tool. If you use options of other command line tools with screenmd, it could easily happen that it won't work. 

To get a fully detailed list of options of screenmd with many examples, please type

screenmd -x

I also link the full written manual of the tool to help you with your work:


User 6b694845c2

18-05-2015 11:02:14

Dear Daniel,

Great! Thank you very much!
