User 8052c55234
16-07-2014 15:58:11
I am missing XML documentation files for fingerprint descriptors. I would like to see all the options which exists to adapt it to our project.
Is there any document on this way?
I actually specifically need an equivalent tag in <StandardizerConfiguration Version="0.1">
<Actions> to the API options:Hydrogenize.convertExplicitHToImplicit(m); which is different than <RemoveExplicitH ID="RemoveExplicitH" Groups="target"/>
But we need to test other differents options.
By advance, thank you
ChemAxon e08c317633
17-07-2014 10:53:16
User 8052c55234
17-07-2014 11:12:17
I would like to reproduce the API command hereafter with xml andperhaps increased different possibilities to avoid any differences:
I saw differences when I simply do :
// General (Daylight conform) aromatization.
// Call ambigous aromatization method
// Keep the largest fragment
final Molecule [] frags = m.convertToFrags();
Molecule largestFrag = frags[0];
for (int i = 1; i < frags.length; i++) {
if (frags.getAtomCount() > largestFrag.getAtomCount()) {
largestFrag = frags;
// Dehydrogenize read structure
//Convert explicit Hydrogen atoms of the molecule to implicit.
//Same as convertExplicitHToImplicit(m, MolAtom.LONELY_H | MolAtom.WEDGED_H).
//Besides lonely and wedged H atoms, bound (to non-Hydrogen atom and
//without Hydrogen bond), non-isotope, neutral, non-radical,
//non-mapped H atoms are also removed
// Print info
// System.err.println("Read mol: " + inputBuilder.size() + " name: " + largestFrag.getName());
// Instantiate default descriptor parameters and descriptors
FP_EC ecfp = new FP_EC ();
// Generate descriptors for the molecule
txtBit = ecfp.fpBinary();
User 8052c55234
17-07-2014 13:49:11
ok, I've got it:
The API command Hydrogenize.convertExplicitHToImplicit(largestFrag);
is equivalent in an xml file as:
<RemoveExplicitH ID="RemoveExplicitH" Lonely="true" Wedged="true"/>
ChemAxon e08c317633
17-07-2014 14:27:59