Difference between LOGD and LOGDcalculator

User d27b99d458

14-02-2013 10:55:26




               Please can you tell me what is the difference between the molecular descriptors LOGD and LOGDcalculator? They give different outputs...


                                       Thank you,



ChemAxon 60613ab728

18-02-2013 17:14:35

Dear Raquel,

thank you for reporting this issue. We could reproduce your finding.

We have been working on the problem and let you know the solution as soon as possible .

Thank you,


User d27b99d458

18-02-2013 20:31:26



     Thank you so much! I will be waiting.


                        Best regards,



ChemAxon 60613ab728

20-02-2013 08:46:34

Hi Raquel,

We have found the origin of the problem. It is going to be corrected for the 5.12.1 release.

Best Regards,


User d27b99d458

20-02-2013 08:59:11



              Thank you, but can you tell me which of them is the correct version to use?


               Best regards,



ChemAxon 60613ab728

20-02-2013 11:52:41

Hi Raquel,

We consider the logD calculator as the standard.

The descriptor version contained a method, which applied different standardization for the molecule, and it slightly affected the results. Now, we directly call the LogD calculator code, so the results for the descriptor_LogD is exactly the same number as the calculator LogD.

Best Regards,


User d27b99d458

20-02-2013 16:05:42




                        Thank you!


