how to find out if the structure is polymeric

User cf4264f752

27-01-2012 15:47:12

Hi there!

Is there any evaluator function that can tell if the structure polymeric or contains polymeric fragment? 

I didn't manage to find one. 

ChemAxon e08c317633

30-01-2012 16:18:05


Currently there is no Chemical Terms function which can tell if the structure contains polymeric fragment(s). ChemAxon's Java/.NET API can be used to identify such structures.

We will implement a structure checker which identifies polymers. Checkers are also accessible from Chemcial Terms, see Does this soultion suits your needs? How urgent is this for you?


User cf4264f752

07-02-2012 14:41:23

Hi, Zsolt

Zsolt wrote:

Does this soultion suits your needs? How urgent is this for you?

Why do you think it should be checker function? I thought it should be something like this


select jc_evaluate(structure, 'isPolymer()') from structs where id = ?;


I guess it's not very urgent

ChemAxon e08c317633

13-02-2012 16:24:07

The polymer checker implementation is planned already, and it will be implemented soon.