Homology groups in Markush structures

User 20757c93f1

21-08-2009 12:57:25


Is is possible to add a generic ring system (isolated or fused) to a Markush structure in Marvin 5.2.4?

How to limit homology groups by the occurence of a certain element type?

Please have a look at the attachment for an illustration.

Many thanks,



ChemAxon a3d59b832c

22-08-2009 11:01:33

Hello Torsten,


schinto wrote:

Is is possible to add a generic ring system (isolated or fused) to a Markush structure in Marvin 5.2.4?

No, unfortunately it is not readily available yet. However, you can add all ring homology groups (Cycloalkyl, Aryl, Heterocycle, Heteroaryl, FusedHetero) into an R-group definition and use that R-group instead.

you can create a user-defined homology group for that:


schinto wrote:

How to limit homology groups by the occurence of a certain element type?

It is not possible currently, but it is planned in a later version.


Best regards,
