How to retrieve the enumerated structures from Marvin applet

User 30887fe773

13-08-2008 16:31:56

It is really nice to have markush enumeration available thrugh Marvin applet, but how do I retrieve those enumerated sructures programatically?

ChemAxon e08c317633

14-08-2008 09:35:04

Use Markush Enumeration Plugin via Java API.

Javadoc link: MarkushEnumerationPlugin API. See API usage examples in the javadoc header.


User 30887fe773

15-08-2008 19:38:21

It seems in setInputMolecule(Molecule mol) method, mol need both Markush structure and R groups.

is it possible I can set Markush structure fisrt, but set R groups from sd files?


ChemAxon e08c317633

25-08-2008 11:16:12

hzheng wrote:
It seems in setInputMolecule(Molecule mol) method, mol need both Markush structure and R groups.
The R group definitions are parts of the Markush structure, so yes, both are needed.
is it possible I can set Markush structure fisrt, but set R groups from sd files?
You can read R group definitions from SDFiles, and construct Markush structures with different R groups.

See also:

After the RgMolecule is constructed, you can set it as input molecule for MarkushEnumerationPlugin with method setInputMolecule(Molecule mol), and then run the plugin.

Apologies for the late answer.


ChemAxon a3d59b832c

08-10-2008 07:20:04

We will also implement an SD file -> R-group definition loading function in MarvinSketch and in a utility class for version 5.2. It will be available Q1 2009.

Attachment points will be possible to add by transformation rules of Standardizer.

(Currently transformation rules cannot handle attachment points, but it will also be available in version 5.2.)

Best regards,
