Synthesis R Group Molecule

User 9d2413f869

12-09-2013 02:25:45

I have a molecule with R1 and R2 in it, like to synthesis new molecules from a R group decomposition ligand table. Essentially I know what the real functional groups R1 and R2 represent. How to do that with JChem API? Please provide java code. Thanks!

ChemAxon a202a732bf

12-09-2013 11:57:43

Dear Hong,

the topic was moved to the "Storage & search: Markush search & enumeration" forum, my colleagues will answer you soon.

Best regards,


ChemAxon d4fff15f08

12-09-2013 13:34:02

Dear Hong,

I am a little confused. Let me clarify it: you want to enumerate (have returned) all the possible explicit structures that are produced by substituting the R1, R2 groups with their definitions in all possible combination. Is that right?

Thank you,


User 9d2413f869

12-09-2013 19:18:10

Actually, I just need the code for substituting R1 with one ligand molecule and R2 with another ligand molecule. The ligand molecules are obtained from a R-group decomposition, which has attachment points on them already. No need to go through all the combinations.

ChemAxon d4fff15f08

17-09-2013 07:37:14

Dear Hong,


Sorry for the delay, but it takes some time, to get a developer to provide you the appropriate code fragment. So I am still asking for some patience.

Thank you,


ChemAxon a9ded07333

17-09-2013 14:57:42

Dear Hong,

You can find the code in the attached file.

Best regards,

User 9d2413f869

18-09-2013 17:47:13

Dear Tamas,

     Thank you for the code, I will give it a try in the next few days and let you know how it works. Looking at the code, I couldn't have figured it out by myself. I am wondering if you could put in next version an API for substituting molAtom for molecule.

    Best Regards,


User 9d2413f869

20-09-2013 01:28:21

The code works for single R replacement, Thanks! However, I do have some molecule that had R1, R2 and R3 in it, and R2 and R3 are attached to a half ring molecule. In other word, the same ligand is attached to two R attachment points. How do you handle that situation?

ChemAxon d4fff15f08

27-09-2013 15:01:03

I close this topic with respect to the e-mail conversation with Mr. Guo.

User 64aff0a02a

05-01-2015 11:17:24

this is good .

ChemAxon d4fff15f08

05-01-2015 12:11:52

Hi Luigi,


Thanks for the compliment! Does this mean that the code works for you?


Best regards,
