Unknown type for property PCT_INHIB : java.math.BigDecimal

User e5eaaed899

19-09-2011 15:26:11



I've created a JChem table that contains structures and other (imported properties) such as PCT_INHIB.

PCT_INHIB is a float and was defined as such when creating the table.

I can retrieve molecules and the associated properties as soon as they are char or varchar (using the JChemSearch component of PP with Fetch DB Fields). I the error below whenever I try to retrieve a property that is a int or a float.

Is this a bug? Is there a specific way of defining ints and floats that makes it work? Is BigDecimal something post java 1.6.0_01?


Many thanks for your help.




Unknown type for property PCT_INHIB : java.math.BigDecimal
JChem version :
Component collection version : 1.9_j55
JVM: Sun Microsystems Inc.  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM  1.6.0_01
Memory:  227.0 MB maximum  91.0 MB total  54.0 MB free
OS: amd64 Windows Vista 6.1
Exception ID: E43629197
Current input structure:
No PP input structure found.
Please find detailed report in log file: "\..\..\chemaxon\logs\pp_error_2011_09_19.txt"
java.lang.Exception: Unknown type for property PCT_INHIB : java.math.BigDecimal

    at chemaxon.pp.ChemAxonComponent.defineProperty(ChemAxonComponent.java:278)

    at chemaxon.pp.JChemSearch.returnNextHit(JChemSearch.java:449)

    at chemaxon.pp.JChemSearch.onProcessBody(JChemSearch.java:301)

    at chemaxon.pp.ChemAxonComponent.onProcess(ChemAxonComponent.java:50)

    at com.scitegic.pilot.Pilot.callOnProcess(Pilot.java:300)

CComponentJavaPlugin::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
-> Internal ChemAxon JChemSearch (JChemSearch) - error during Data Record Processing phase
CProtocolStd::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
CProtocol::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
-> JChemSearch (JChemSearch) - error during Data Record Processing phase
CProtocolStd::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
CProtocol::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
Protocol New Protocol6, user xxxx: Pipeline Pilot exception caught
Protocol New Protocol6, user xxxx: Protocol failed: Pipeline Pilot error
Pipeline Pilot Server version
Server OS: Windows 6.1 Server

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

19-09-2011 18:45:40



The problem is that the code part that converts various Object fetched from the database does not support this particular number type (BigDecimal) yet.

This will be fixed in the coming release of the component collection.

It is expected to be released at the end of this week or next week.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

18-10-2011 02:13:04


The new version (2.0) is finally out with the fix.

Apologies for the unexpected delay.

Best regards,
