User 1ea5d9509c
22-06-2010 15:05:02
I have pp 7.5 + Jchem 5.3.4 + latest pp integration. The license file is academic license and successfully installed which can be show by the attached picture.
However when I tried to test the example (calculating chemaxon descriptors). I got the following message:
No license file found.
Product name: HBDA Plugin
License path:
Please contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.
Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use
through our Academic Package, for more information
please visit:
/>JChem version : 5.3.4
Component collection version : 1.6.2_j53
JVM: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_01
Memory: 254.0 MB maximum 4.0 MB total 2.0 MB free
OS: x86 Windows Vista 6.1
Exception ID: E34670089
Current input structure:
Please find detailed report in log file: "C:\chemaxon\logs\pp_error_2010_06_22.txt"
chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No license file found.
Product name: HBDA Plugin
License path:
Please contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.
Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use
through our Academic Package, for more information
please visit:
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(Unknown Source)
at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.checkLicense(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at chemaxon.pp.ChemAxonCalculator.calculateHBAD(
at chemaxon.pp.ChemAxonCalculator.onProcessBody(
at chemaxon.pp.ChemAxonCalculator.onProcess(
at com.scitegic.pilot.Pilot.callOnProcess(
CComponentJavaPlugin::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception caught
-> ChemAxon Calculator - error during Data Record Processing phase
CProtocolStd::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception caught
CProtocol::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception caught
Protocol Calculating ChemAxon Descriptors, user yl: Pipeline Pilot exception caught
Protocol Calculating ChemAxon Descriptors, user yl: Protocol failed: Pipeline Pilot error
Pipeline Pilot Server version
If I only enable the BCUT values, it works. The HDA and pKa componenent had the same error message. Everything works fine under windows XP. Does this mean that I am not able to use this under Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2?
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
22-06-2010 18:32:07
It is important to point out that the License Manager installs and displays licenses for the current user.
(stores the license in a special place in the user's home directory)
This means they are visible for the end-user applications (GUI or command-line) started by your user - bot not by others.
Server applications (such as the apache part of PP - the server) most often do not run in the name of your GUI user, but usually as a system user or an other dedicated named user.
There are two solutions.
- You can either run the service (e.g. "scitegic_apache_7_5_2") as a a named user (e.g. in the name of your own user - then it will see the licenses installed for you)
- define a system environment variable called CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL to point to the license file (recommended)
I have copied the relevant section of the README.txt below.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
If using JChem / Marvin 5.0.5 or better, the recommended way
to set the license is to create an environment variable CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL,
It should point to the license file obtained from ChemAxon on the file
system of the PP server.
Please remember to restart the PP server after setting / modifying this
environment variable.
NOTE: This is the only way to install licenses on a PP server running in
impersonation mode.
Alternative for earlier Marvin/JChem versions:
(does not work with impersonation mode)
1. The license should be placed in the home directory of the Apache user.
For example, if apache is running on Windows as user "ppilot",
use the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\ppilot".
2. Create a directory called "chemaxon" (Windows) or ".chemaxon" (Linux) in
this directory.
3. Place a copy the ChemAxon license file ("licenses.dat" or "license.cxl")
in this folder.
For more details regarding ChemAxon license management,
please consult the following document:
User 1ea5d9509c
22-06-2010 19:13:47
Hi Szilard,
Thanks! It works. Actually before I ask here, I tried all these two methods. I run the service under my user name and put a chemaxon folder with the license file under the home directory. I also tried to add the environment variable. However, I added it as user variable not as system variable. Apparently, system variable works.
ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf
23-06-2010 03:01:11
I added it as user variable not as system variable. Apparently, system variable works.
In theory user variable should also work unless
- specified to a different user than who runs the PP server process
- the PP server wasn't restarted
- a system account ids used for the PP server (?)
Anyway, glad to hear that it's working now for you