Error: table could not fit into structure cache

ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

23-06-2009 13:48:07

I get Out of Memory error wen using JChemSearch on large structure tables tables:


ERROR: Table "xyz" could not fit into structure cache (out of memory).
Please visit and />

Please see: />and />

The heap size for the Java Cirtual Machine (JVM) should be increased, so the table(s) would fit in the structure cache.

In the case of Pipeline Pilot the file
controls the JVM than runs within a protocol.
Please locate the -Xmx and set to an appropriate value described in the
links above (increase the defualt by approximately 100MB per 1 million structure):

<sci:propval name="JVMArg0">-Xmx256M</sci:propval>