error during PP search

User fca35de8d7

28-04-2016 12:50:26



the following error occurred during similarity search:

Unknown option "Off" for parameter "Stereo Search"
JChem version :
Component collection version :
JVM: Oracle Corporation  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM  1.7.0_71
Memory:  29127.0 MB maximum  1934.0 MB total  1853.0 MB free
OS: amd64 Linux
Server version:
Exception ID: E22469900
Current input structure:
Please find detailed report in log file: "/data/scitegicadmin/PROGRAMME/BIOVIA/BPPF95/apps/chemaxon/toolkit/logs/pp_error_2016_04_28.txt"
java.lang.Exception: Unknown option "Off" for parameter "Stereo Search"
    at chemaxon.pp.SearchComponent.setStereoSearchType(
    at chemaxon.pp.JChemSearch.onInitializeBody(
    at chemaxon.pp.ChemAxonComponent.onInitialize(
    at com.scitegic.pilot.Pilot.callOnInitialize(
CComponentJavaPlugin::onInitialize: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
-> 'JChemSearch' ('Internal ChemAxon JChemSearch'); Location: 11:0 - error during Initialization phase
CProtocolBaseImpl::GetNextStartNodeForInputData: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
CProtocolBaseImpl::SetUpComponentStack: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
CProtocolStd::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
CProtocol::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown
-> 'JChemSearch' ('JChemSearch'); Location: 11 - error during Data Record Processing phase
CProtocolStd::onProcess: Pipeline Pilot exception rethrown

What ist the right option to ignore the Stereo search!


Thanks for helping me




ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

28-04-2016 13:05:56

Hi Bernd,


It seems you are running an older protocol where an older version of the JChemSearch component is present (compared to the installed component collection).

Instead of the previous on / off selection we have changed to 6 different possible stereo search settings (including diastereomers, enantiomers, etc.).

Usually we try to be backwards compatible, but in this case you have to update the JChemSearch component in earlier protocols by right-click > "Replace with latest version".

After the update you can set one of the valid options.

Please let us know if this helps.

Best regards,
