JChem.dll missing in JChem 5.11 package?

User 1a8d11549a

18-11-2012 13:07:20

I am not able to find "JChem.dll" in the latest JChem package anymore (JChem_NET_API_5_11_3_578.zip). It was e.g. still present in the JChem_Net 5.10 package. Was it replaced by something else, or where can I find it? Thanks.

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

19-11-2012 08:56:52

Hi Stefan,

we have renewed the library, the JChem dll was splitted up into smaller parts reflecting the same architecture as the java side shows. All the jars are represented by smaller dlls.

We are still focusing on the ChemAxon.NET where we also progress bigger steps, we definitely recommend using thoses wrapper libraries (ChemAxon.NET.Base, IKVM, WIndows.Form).



User 1a8d11549a

19-11-2012 09:10:18

Hi Victor,

Thanks for this important information. I therefore will have a look on how to reference the required ChemAxon items in my project from now on.

Cheers, Stefan

User 1a8d11549a

23-11-2012 17:19:04


The installer size of my own application code is ca. 8 MB, and I would need to add 110 MB JChem_NET code into my installer for integrating Marvin Sketch, which btw is not the main functionality of my application. In the past I fortunately was able to reduce this to 30 MB by eliminating unneeded dll's, but that's no more possible with the recent changes. I therefore will need to remain with with Marvin 5.10, since I am not willing to have users download 120 MB of code, from which only a fraction ever is used.

So my question is: You are already offering Marvin Sketch functionality for the Web - wouldn't it be possible to create an analogous package for .NET applications, also just offering bare Marvin Sketch functionality, but at a fraction of the full installer size? I guess that there would be some real demand for this out there... Has this ever been considered?  

Best regards,

ChemAxon eb65a25631

23-11-2012 17:32:49

Hi Stefan,


It is certainly possible the handpick the neccessary dlls for MarvinSketch only.

I remember when I did the investigation for the dynamic loading of these dlls, I managed to fire up a MarvinSketch editor with very few actual libraries loaded.

So you can still elliminate the unneeded libraries, with even more granularity.

(and of course, diminished functionality would came along.)




User 1a8d11549a

23-11-2012 17:38:42

Hi Andras,

Well, thats already great news. Since you already have done it, and certainly have mucht better tools to investigate dependencies than I do, would you be willing to share which dll's in the current 5.11 release actually are required to run Marvin Sketch? It would take me days of trial and error to find out now, with the increased count of available dll's. Thanks!

ChemAxon eb65a25631

23-11-2012 18:31:32

Well, I actually didn't use any tools other than Visual Studio.

Here's how I investigated:

First, I created a demo project which simply displays a MarvinSketch editor.

I added all the JChem.NET/IKVM assemblies as references.

Started the demo application as a debug session is VS.

I fooled around quite a bit in the Sketcher to make CLR load all any aditional dll.

(You can go through all the functionalities in the editor, you want to present for end-users.)

When it's finished, I simply opened 'Debug'/'Windows'/"Modules" view and checked what IKVM/Marvin/JChem/Third party dlls were actually loaded.




User 1a8d11549a

23-11-2012 19:43:25

Thanks for the tip, but under Visual Studio 2010 Professional (and VS 2012)  Debug/Windows/Modules doesn't seem to exist. I just see 'BreakPoints', 'Output' and 'Immediate' listed under the Debug/Windows submenu. Am I missing something, or are you possibly using Vistual Studio Ultimate?

ChemAxon eb65a25631

24-11-2012 11:49:51

It can only be seen, if VS is in a debug session.


User 1a8d11549a

24-11-2012 13:46:55

Ah, I see, excellent!
Well, I just learned something, thanks, that's exactly what I need.

User 1a8d11549a

26-11-2012 11:07:12

Hi Andras,

I just wanted to share the results of my attempts to reduce the installer size using JChem 5.11 following your procedure. The numbers below reflect the bare minimum to make the Marvin Sketch editor open without crash in my .NET application:

Required DLL's for installer:           38 under 5.11  -- was  25  under 5.10  
Optimized own app installer size:  59 MB under 5.11 -- was 42 MB under 5.10

So not exactly what I expected and hoped for, but following the trend that the size of required components remarkably increases with some releases of JChem. And remember, I just need the Marvin Sketch capabilites, nothing else. So no way for me to move beyond 5.10 currently, hopefully not a dead end. Of course one could say that download size doesn't matter and why bother, but unfortunately it does .. Anyway, thanks for your help Andras.