JchemBase is not searching 'molecules with stereo'

User 73ad691ca3

15-11-2012 14:18:30

Dear Chemaxon Team,

We are implementing 'the Structure search functionalities' in our Application using 'Jchem .Net API in JchemBase'.

We need to search 'the molecule with specific stereo type' in database; thereby we need to differentiate the molecules based on stereo types.  Precisely, Our Aim is 'to search a molecule with a stereo type' in the database, and to get the search results based on our business logic.

We followed the jchem link http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/user/query_stereochemistry.html#tetrahedral_stereo.

As mentioned in these examples, the structure search is working properly for ‘the molecules with different stereo types’ provided in the example.  

In our database we have added molecule1, molecule2(refer: molecule1.sdf, molecule2.sdf in the attachement).  The molecule1, molecule2 represents different stereo types.

If we search molecule1 using JchemSearch .NET API, jchem returns both molecule1, molecule2.  The JchemBase structure search is not returning only the molecule1 as a result for the query molecule1. 

Jchem search should recognize/differentiate that molecule1, molecule2 are two different molecules.

We set the ‘stereo search option’ as ‘Exact Stereo’ in the JchemSearch API - SearchOption.  Even though the Jchem is not returning proper search results.

How can we search ‘the molecules with stereo’ for the above using Jchem .Net API, what are the things we need to include for this?


Please reply us ASAP.     


Below is the sample code we use for structure search:

--------------------------------------sample code----------------------------------------

//starting method 

  public static int[] SearchStructure(object molecule, JChemSearchOptions searchOptions)
                JChemSearch searcher = new JChemSearch();

                string molStr = molecule as string;
                if (molStr == null)
                    Molecule mol = molecule as Molecule;


                int[] resultedIds = searcher.getResults();              

                return resultedIds;


   public static JChemSearchOptions GetSearchOptions(string searchType, string dissimilarityTreshTxt, string maxHitsTxt)
                int srchType = GetSearchType(searchType);//SearchConstants.__Fields.FULL;

                JChemSearchOptions searchOptions = new JChemSearchOptions(srchType);

                if (srchType == SearchConstants.__Fields.SIMILARITY)
                    searchOptions.setDissimilarityThreshold(1.0f - float.Parse(dissimilarityTreshTxt));



                return searchOptions;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid 'search option':  Check innerException for more details...", ex);

 private static int GetSearchType(string searchType)
                int srchType = 0;

                if (searchType == "Substructure")
                    srchType = SearchConstants.__Fields.SUBSTRUCTURE;

                else if (searchType == "Superstructure")
                    srchType = SearchConstants.__Fields.SUPERSTRUCTURE;

                else if (searchType == "Full")
                    srchType = SearchConstants.__Fields.FULL;

                else if (searchType == "Full fragment")
                    srchType = SearchConstants.__Fields.FULL_FRAGMENT;

                else if (searchType == "Similarity")
                    srchType = SearchConstants.__Fields.SIMILARITY;

                else if (searchType == "Duplicate")
                    srchType = SearchConstants.__Fields.DUPLICATE;

                return srchType;

  private static ConnectionHandler getConnectionHandler()
            return ConnectionHandlerUtil.ConnectionHandlerUtil.GetConnectionHandler();


Thanks & Regards,

D. Senthil kumar Vijai.

User 73ad691ca3

16-11-2012 05:38:19

Dear Chemaxon Team,

 Is there any update on this Jchem issue.

Thanks & Regards,

D. Senthil kumar Vijai.

User 73ad691ca3

19-11-2012 04:54:02

Dear Chemaxon Team,

Jchem structure search is working only for the example molecules provided in the chemaxon site documentation.

When we try to search a molecule with wedge/wiggy/hash bond, jchem search is not searching exact molecule, instead it is showing all the molecules.

How to solve this issue? 

Please reply us ASAP...


Thanks & Regards,

D. Senthil kumar vijai.

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

19-11-2012 08:51:56

Hi Vijai,

forwarding your problem to the JChem base team. we are investigating the issue.


ChemAxon abe887c64e

19-11-2012 10:50:48

Hi Vijai,

The attached molecules are not real stereo structures from chemical point of view. The carbon atom from which the wedge/hedge bond starts is not in tetrahedral state.

Best regards,


User 73ad691ca3

19-11-2012 13:15:35

Dear Chemaxon Team,

How to differentiate wedge/wiggy/hash bond molecule through JchemBase Structure search.

Consider the attached molecule1.sdf and molecule2.sdf, How to differentiate these two molecules using JchemSearch in JchemBase?

Consider molecule1.sdf and molecule2.sdf are saved in Jchem structure table.  If i do structure search of molecule1.sdf, i need to get the search result as molecule1.sdf.  How to do this using JchemSearch in JchemBase. 

Please reply us ASAP.


Thanks & Regards,

D. Senthil Kumar Vijai.

ChemAxon abe887c64e

19-11-2012 13:52:37

Hi Vijay,

Sorry if I did not write clearly in my former post. These two structures are the same structures, because the wedge and hedge bond have no meaning in their case. The compound - bromobenzene - exist only in one stereo form as a planar compound. Drawing it with wedge bonds has no meaning. If you apply our Structure checker https://www.chemaxon.com/products/structure-checker/  it will sign the wedge-hedge bonds invalid.

The consequence of this is that either molecule1.sdf or molecule2.sdf is the query both of them will match both of them. There is no search option which could differentiate them.

Otherwise, if you draw real stereo compounds - I attach two examples -  and import them into a JChem table then the search - if you execute it with default options - will result the expected hit only.

Kind regards,


User 73ad691ca3

20-11-2012 05:41:36

Dear Krisztina,

Thanks for your reply.

We will get back you, if we have any queries regarding Jchem structure search.


Thanks & Regards,

D.Senthil kumar vijai.