Marvin Sketch Applet loads in Firefox but not IE

User 8604712a60

21-06-2011 21:37:34


I'm creating a prototype for an website that will launch the Marvin Sketch applet so the user can draw the structure that I'll subsequently grab through the getMol() method and send back to the server for the structure search using the ikvm libraries referenced in the code behind. This seems like a standard model for integrating ChemAxon into an site.

I started simple to make sure the environment is setup correctly and followed the examples. When I test the application in Firefox, the Marvin applet loads as expected. When I try from IE, the page is blank with no errors.

When I click on the index.html or embed.html files directly from one of the example folders, the applet loads fine in IE. 

Here's the script in my html page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="marvin/marvin.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">


        msketch_name = "MSketch";

        msketch_begin("marvin/", 540, 480); // arguments: codebase, width, height




The marvin folder with the binaries and marvin.js file is a subfolder of my application. Any ideas on why the applet won't load in IE but will in Firefox would be greatly appreciated!




ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

22-06-2011 06:21:52

Hi Pifta,

could you please help us out with applet laoding issue for Molly?




ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

22-06-2011 09:25:12


currently i have no idea why ie fails. Is there any error message on the java console?


ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

22-06-2011 11:33:47


could you please check the java console? Java icon appears on the task bar whilst applet is loading you can activate the console by right mouse click on the java icon. Console is a black screen (command line screen) which is capturing the strandrad output (System.Out), error messages might be reported there even when the application what you focus on is a gui based.



User 8604712a60

22-06-2011 15:10:54

I took a look at the console output and there were no errors listed. I compared the output when loading successfully in Firefox with the output when loading directly from the file system, it seems that it may be a timeout issue. Even though it loads in Firefox through IIS, it is very slow.

Also, I'm not sure why the applet is loaded with the ColdFusion cookie variables. I have ColdFusion installed but the services are disabled.

I've attached the log files. The first relates to loading from IIS. The other relates to running from the file system outside of IIS.  

I'm going to look at my IIS and Java configuration this morning. I may be missing something obvious as I haven't developed in Java for a few years.




User 8604712a60

22-06-2011 21:09:20

It was a simple html issue. Thanks.

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

22-06-2011 21:14:47

So can we close this ticket then?

User 8604712a60

22-06-2011 21:15:59

Yes, thank you.