Using ChemAxon

User 8710c16ea0

11-05-2010 12:41:23

Hi I am extremely new to using chemaxon and have no real idea how it works!!!!!

I was therefore hoping that maybe someone could possibly show me a piece of code that has say a textbox on it where the user enters a smiles string and then some code behind it which uses chemaxon to somehow interpret this smiles string and show some sort of result...

or if not then please refer me to a similar example that may help.


Thankyou very much for any help received.

ChemAxon b62f37c21a

13-05-2010 07:22:55



have you tried the examples? If not I suggest start with MoleculeImage example in the JChem .NET API package.

You can find further useful information here.


Best regards,

Gabor Vasko