User 0dbe541e90
07-05-2010 09:17:02
We have the following issues on a Windows Server 2008 64Bit:
1. MarvinSketch start on the Server will generate errors in Event log (see attachment 1)
2. close of MarvinSpace with "X" on top left will leave the session open within Citrix.
Anyone have the same errors or any experience on publishing on Citrix?
- Windows Server 2008 64Bit
- XenApp 5
- Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment, 32 and 64Bit (build 1.6.0_05-b13)
- .NET 3.5 SP1 64Bit
Thanks for your help
ChemAxon e274e1bada
07-05-2010 11:20:02
I moved this topic to the .NET forum.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
10-05-2010 14:49:42
Dear Customer,
we do not fully suport 64 bit environment for the time being but wow64 bit mode (Windows on Windows).
However what I could see from your specification is that you have 32 bit java installed on your machine thus wow64 should be working.
Our official testing environment is Windows 7 64-bit, and it works.
The 5.3.3 release (coming soon this week) we have changed the installation strategy it might resolve your issue.
For the time being could you please check if you MarvinSKetch is running as *32 process?
My suspecion is that it is not, or other installation problem appeared.
We are trying to reproduce the issue on Windows 2008.
User 0dbe541e90
11-05-2010 09:42:23
Dear Viktor
The MarvinSketch runs as 32 Bit process, it is also installed on "C:\Program Files (x86)\..." folder.
So we will wait for the 5.3.3 release.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
11-05-2010 14:16:55
Dear Patrick,
yes, then it seems we have installation issues on 2008 server.
The 5.3.3 Marvin Beans comes out possibly Today (but not later than this week), so I will test the new installation things on 2008 server and be back to you soon.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
11-05-2010 21:42:04
Dear Patrick,
we came out with a test version of Marvin Beans Today:
this is a beta2 version, exactly prior to the final release. If you have time, please install this for test purposes.
This stuff contains a local small jre, I usually test with this configuration, it will not affect any of your your java installation on your server since essential jre runtime files are just simly copied across into a separate folder.
No java env variable change will happen.
I checked this installer on our WIndows 2008 Server 64 bit test environment and worked properly.
However 2008 is not an official environment for Marvin Sketch rather then for other server components like JChem Web Service I cannot see any reason why it should fail. So hopefully this new installer resolves your problem.
P.S.: I also tried out the installer with NO local jre:
/>and it worked also properly on Windows 2008 server.
User 0dbe541e90
02-06-2010 06:08:35
Hello Viktor
Sorry, I was a little busy the last few weeks. But now I installed the new version without Java I guess:
Now it looks better, I have no errors anymore on the W2k8 Server. The only thing that still doesn't work is closing MarvinSpace with the "X" will leave the prozess open on the Server. Even when you start the Program directly on the Server
Thanks for your help.
User 0dbe541e90
02-06-2010 09:53:57
I installed the Suite on another Citrix Server and everything is working perfectly!
It is the same server, same os, same HW so no idea why it is not working. I try to reinstall it again.