User 7f33ec9a5c
08-10-2009 03:50:05
I have a depiction web service running fine in C# using Marvin and IKVM, and most of the functionality is there and working just great, however the chemaxon.util package does not have a HitDisplayTool class, and the package does not show and I need the MolSearchOptions class as well to use the HitDisplayTool class.
The Marvin .net dll says version 5.2.2 Do I need to add in a refrence to a different object or other objects to make this work? why am I missing this one class. I also noticed the chemaxon.License package is missing in the properties browser.
Attached is an image of the property browser:
ChemAxon 6e93227fcc
08-10-2009 07:55:55
You have to use JChem API instead Marvin API so you have to install JChem API and then add reference to JChem.dll and other 3rd party stuff. So replace your reference to MarvinBeans.dll with JChem.dll.
JChem API contains all Marvin API features and some additional functionalities.
Calin Naghi.
User 37df300f74
23-02-2010 21:37:12
I also monitor your progress. If you have to use Jchem api instead of marvin api to access HitDisplayUtil class, do you have to have Jchem license as well? At this point, we only have Marvin license.
ChemAxon 0e37943a96
24-02-2010 07:20:15
Hi Hongzhou,
you can reference the JChem.dll, the licensing works based on the features used.
The reason we stopped Marvin .NET API (MarvinBeans.dll), is that there were many common parts with JChem.dll.
In the future we will try to split the JChem.dll into 3 parts:
a base library, a Marvin UI library, and a JChem library (which would not contain the Marvin UI) .
We also have now a longer term plan how to enchance our .NET API, and we would be interested in your feedback. We will probably post the plans here in the forum, and also write E-Mail to key users. If you are interested we will give you early access to these libraries.
Its main aims would be the following:
- Provide .NET wrapper DLLs for all functionality. There will be no converted Java classes there.
- Split functionality into 3-4, easy to use wrapper DLLs. You would need to reference only those.
- Windows Forms component library
- If you need you will be able to access the underlying converted Java dlls as well.
User 1ccd233681
13-02-2014 06:10:08
I would like to use the HitDisplayTool class in my vb.NET code, however I can't figure out which .dll I need to add to my references in order to use this class. Any pointers?
I am using the newest JChem .NET 6.2 API.
ChemAxon 4375c6431d
13-02-2014 10:03:16
Try this code snippet (you have to refer the Chemaxon.NET.IKVM.dll and Chemaxon.NET.Base.dll):
using ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Search; //in Chemaxon.NET.IKVM.dll
using ChemAxon.NET.Base.Search.Options; //in Chemaxon.NET.Base.dll
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
IJChemMolecule target = new JChemMolecule(new MoleculeData("CCC", MoleculeFormat.SMILES));
IJChemMolecule query = new JChemMolecule(new MoleculeData("CC", MoleculeFormat.SMILES));
JChemHitColoringOptions hitcolorOption = new JChemHitColoringOptions();
hitcolorOption.HitColor = Color.Red;
IJChemMolecule coloredMolecule = target.Calculations.GetHitColorStructure(query, HitColoringMode.Substructure, hitcolorOption, null);
coloredMolecule.Renderer.RenderToFile(@"c:\Images\coloredImage.emf", ImageFormat.Emf);
User 1ccd233681
13-02-2014 14:35:18
miklosnovak wrote: |
Try this code snippet (you have to refer the Chemaxon.NET.IKVM.dll and Chemaxon.NET.Base.dll):
using ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Search; //in Chemaxon.NET.IKVM.dll
using ChemAxon.NET.Base.Search.Options; //in Chemaxon.NET.Base.dll
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
IJChemMolecule target = new JChemMolecule(new MoleculeData("CCC", MoleculeFormat.SMILES));
IJChemMolecule query = new JChemMolecule(new MoleculeData("CC", MoleculeFormat.SMILES));
JChemHitColoringOptions hitcolorOption = new JChemHitColoringOptions();
hitcolorOption.HitColor = Color.Red;
IJChemMolecule coloredMolecule = target.Calculations.GetHitColorStructure(query, HitColoringMode.Substructure, hitcolorOption, null);
coloredMolecule.Renderer.RenderToFile(@"c:\Images\coloredImage.emf", ImageFormat.Emf);
Thanks for the reply, but it wasn't in the .dlls you mentioned. I finally found it by adding these two .dlls to tmy normally referenced .dlls:
User 1ccd233681
13-02-2014 14:39:00
Oops.. I missed the fact that you were recommending I use a different class: the JChemHitColoring... class instead of HitDisplayTool. Thanks for this suggestion. I will try this first since it used JChemMolecules instead of old-fashioned molecules.
Many thanks!