MView .net example compile error

User 39ade0cdf9

27-10-2008 07:10:27

MSketch .net example is ok.

but I encounter an error in Mview .net example:

MViewControl.cs<27,17>: Compiler Error CS0246

Error Message

The type or namespace name 'MViewAdapter' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

MViewControl.cs<99,19>: Compiler Error CS0246

Error Message

The type or namespace name 'MViewAdapter' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

It seems MViewAdapter is a wrong type.

I am using Marvin5.1.2 and JNBridge 3.0

ChemAxon 6e93227fcc

27-10-2008 19:47:36

Hi liuhai,

It seems it really is a problem with that example. I will check more about it and I will get back to you.


ChemAxon 6e93227fcc

31-10-2008 17:41:34

We will try to fix this within the next Marvin release 5.1.3.

ChemAxon 6e93227fcc

12-11-2008 21:20:51

You can try the marvin 5.1.3 proxy dll. You will still have one more compile error.

It will be related "mViewPane.makeSaveImageMenu(submenu);".

Replace it with "mViewPane.getCommonActions().getSaveImageAction().addTo(submenu);". Please let us know if you still have problems with the example.
