User 9ddab248f2
22-08-2007 06:58:41
anybody can help me in how to integrate marvinspace or marvin sketch visual interface in .net webform.
Please help me.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
22-08-2007 09:00:05
Hi Sairam,
We will be glad to answer any specific question you may have on this issue.
User 9ddab248f2
22-08-2007 09:32:02
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your mail.
We are developing an application, where in the users can draw chemical structures in MarvinSketch from the .Net GUI.
I have used JNBridge to call java classes, i have created proxy for the MarvinSketch dll(marvin.jar) and installed jnbshare.dll on the development machine. In the development environment, added references to the generated proxy assembly and jnbshare.dll to the current project.
But i am not able to get the MarvinSketch GUI in .Net GUI.
Please help me on this.
User 9ddab248f2
22-08-2007 09:49:52
Hi Peter,
Upto adding references to jnbshare.dll and generated proxy assembly i have not received any errors.
But i dont know how to add MarvinSpace GUI in .Net GUI i.e., on Webform.
Peter, please help me.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
22-08-2007 10:00:08
Hi Sairam,
To be completely honest, we haven't tested Marvin GUI components with .NET Webforms. In the context of JNBridge, we tested the viability of embedding Marvin only in rich .NET clients.
I am not even sure if it is possible to embed Marvin GUI components into Webforms without further lower-level integration work.
Would it not be an acceptable solution for your WEB-based .NET application to embed Marvin applets without using JNBridge? Marvin applets offer rich client functionality and are known to work in similar environments.
User 9ddab248f2
22-08-2007 10:14:40
Hi Peter,
You have given an sample ASP.NET Application ( efficiently integrate JChem's database routines with the Marvin visualization components in a Web-based application.)
please clarify on this.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
22-08-2007 11:03:32
Are you having trouble setting up the ASP.NET sample JChem application?
This sample application uses Marvin applets. It uses no .NET GUI.
User 9ddab248f2
22-08-2007 12:03:18
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your clarification.
Can you tell me how can we integrate Marvin applets in a aspx page.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
23-08-2007 09:43:35
You can find the main integration points in the following files in the ASP.NET sample application's source code:
index.aspx, update.aspx, edit.aspx, searchresults.aspx and query.html
User 9ddab248f2
24-08-2007 04:18:44
Hi Peter,
When we add reference to JNBshare.dll and run the following error is coming.
The located assembly's manifest definition with name 'JNBShare' does not match the assembly reference.
If i remove reference to JNBshare.dll and run it is asking to add reference to JNBshare.dll, but if i add the reference to the dll the above said error is coming.
Please help on this.
ChemAxon aa7c50abf8
24-08-2007 10:14:27
Hi Saiam,
You probably compiled the sample application against a different version of JNBridge. Make sure to compile and run with the same JNBridge version.