Substructure Search Result issue

User eda6f877b4

29-09-2016 13:33:41

When doing substructure searches we have noticed an inconsistency which can be exemplified as follows:


If one makes a substructure search with a cyclohexane ring (C6H12) one would expect that the hit-set would include all the structures including this structural feature (six carbons in a ring).


That includes compounds with a benzene ring (C6H6) – but that is not the case. If we search our database for a cyclohexane ring with free substitution we get much fewer hits that if we perform the same search with a benzene-ring and free substitution  - it should be the other way around as the hit-set from the benzene ring search (C6H6) should also be included in the cyclohexane-search (C6H12).


JChem .net version 16.2.1.

ChemAxon a3dda216df

30-09-2016 11:43:14

Hi Dann,

If you would like to use simply six carbon in a ring, which are connected with any types of bonds you have to draw cyclohexane and specify bonds with any bond type. (Cyclohexane means 6 single bonds, while benzene means 6 aromatic bonds, these are chemically different, so their hit sets cannot be included in each other.)

You can further refine bond types in substructure searches with vague bond search options:

Hope this helps, but let me know, if you have further questions.




User eda6f877b4

30-09-2016 12:03:33

Hi Anna,

Thanks for taking the time here.

Let me have a look at the documentation link you sent, and I will get back to you.



User eda6f877b4

07-10-2016 13:26:10

Hi Anna,

I have received this from my contact person, could you have a look and get back to me?

Sent you an email with the doc, adding an attachment here did not work for me



ChemAxon def2724101

07-10-2016 14:51:27

Hi Dann,

could you please send the e-mail with the doc file (mentioned in your previous post) to  [email protected]?

Thank you in advance for your help!


Best regards,


User eda6f877b4

07-10-2016 15:01:36

Hi Zsolt,

The email with the document has been forwarded to the address in your post.



ChemAxon def2724101

25-10-2016 07:30:38

Hi Dann,

the substructure search problem reported by you and the sample document have been forwarded to the JCB team (you were cc-ed on the e-mail).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further help regarding the JChem for Office/Excel.

Best regards,
