
User 2db0d566ee

13-07-2016 11:16:25

I tryed to open a sdf file with a molecule aromatizated but the marvinviewcontrol show an dearomatizated structure. I had tryed to aromatize with:

molstring = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("molecule_1.sdf")
            Dim moldata As New ChemAxon.NET.Base.Chemistry.Data.MoleculeData(molstring,ChemAxon.NET.Base.Chemistry.Formats.MoleculeFormat.SDF)
            Dim mol As New ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.Chemistry.JChemMolecule(moldata)
            MarvinViewControl1.MoleculeObject = mol.Transformations.Aromatize()

and it´dosent work.


ChemAxon 2e7d8629fa

13-07-2016 12:26:52



Please set this option to false:

this.marvinViewControl.StructureDrawingSettings.AromaticBondsAsDiscreteDoubleBonds = false;




User 2db0d566ee

13-07-2016 12:47:58

it´s works


Thanks a lot.