User 3f6be3cb41
30-04-2015 16:55:49
Hello everyone,
I could not find the information so excuse me if it is written somewhere ...
What is the minimum version of .NET framework used with JChem.NET and Marvin.NET?
We have a winform application that communicates with JChem and Marvin ( for both) via JNBridgePro 4.0.
It is not possible to migrate the application to a newer version of the .NET framework. So is there a solution to use .NET implementations of the products mentioned above?
(We want to get rid of JNBridge if possible, to lighten the management of licenses and other trouble)
Thanks in advance for your answer.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
30-04-2015 20:54:18
User 3f6be3cb41
11-05-2015 16:48:49
Thank you for your answer hamoriviktor, and sorry for the delay ...
Our application is based on a Framework which is designed for (and implemented with) .NET 2.0, therefore, the application cannot run with another .NET Framework.
So, do you confirm that I can reference the followings dll and use them in my code ?
- ChemAxon.NET.dll
- ChemAxon.NET.Base.dll
- ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.dll
- ChemAxon.NET.Windows.Forms.dll
And any required dll ?
User 6bda5b7fe7
22-05-2015 16:59:09
Thanks so
much, this help me a lot too, I was having some troubles with NET versions, and
was not sure about trying older, but works better. I got Marvin back.
User 3f6be3cb41
10-06-2015 13:36:52
While reading this new post I realize that I never said thank you for the help provided.
So ... Thank you for all. ;o)