User 7eb23419ad
17-03-2015 14:32:43
I have a problem with the Marvin View control. How i can activate the stereo absolute lables so i can see the "Absolute" in the structure image?
User 7eb23419ad
17-03-2015 14:32:43
I have a problem with the Marvin View control. How i can activate the stereo absolute lables so i can see the "Absolute" in the structure image?
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
17-03-2015 14:41:19
Hi Tobias,
would you like to do it from code?
User 7eb23419ad
17-03-2015 14:59:39
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
17-03-2015 15:20:38
Just because right mouse click over the control and say properties, the display settings contains the Absolute Stereo flag, this can be set to true.
From code:
var viewer = new ChemAxon.NET.Windows.Forms.MarvinViewControl.MarvinViewControl();
viewer.MoleculeData = mData;
viewer.Settings.AbsoluteLabels = true;
var viewerForm = new System.Windows.Forms.Form();
viewer.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
User 7eb23419ad
17-03-2015 15:27:23
I tried it with
this.marvinViewControl.Settings.AbsoluteLabels = true;
Now i see the label in the editor, if i double click the viewer. But in the viewer i don't see the Absolute label.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
17-03-2015 15:28:42
What happens if you use right mouse menu over the viewer control?
User 7eb23419ad
17-03-2015 15:38:31
I see the Absolute label on top. The image of the structure is bigger than the view control.
User 7eb23419ad
17-03-2015 15:56:24
The same problem i have if i use the molecule renderer:
StructureDrawingInfo drawingInfo = new StructureDrawingInfo(new Size(width, height));
drawingInfo.StructureDrawingSettings.AbsoluteLabels = true;
JChemMolecule molecule = new JChemMolecule(new MoleculeData(molfile, MoleculeFormat.Unknown));
molecule.CheckNull("molecule").Renderer.Settings = new JChemMoleculeRenderingSettings(drawingInfo);
Image moleculeImage = molecule.Renderer.RenderToImage(ImageFormat.Png);
There i don't see the absolute label, too.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
18-03-2015 07:14:42
Possibly this is a bug, the Absolute label is not rendered properly in the box.
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
19-03-2015 14:24:54
as we discussed thorugh mail you used an outdated library (14.xx from last year), which contained the bug, but this has recently been fixed.
This is just a message to other customers as well reading this forum thread, 15.2.x or above to the latest can be downloading if someone wants to use the absolute label property properly.