User 873a9ae9d0
07-05-2014 07:54:04
I wrote a small c# program using the ChemAxon .Net API (version 6.2).
The program allow to perform a substructure search accessing a very small (1000 structures) chemaxon db residing in a MySQL db.
Next step is to do substructure search in our corporate db (22 million structures, also residing in a MySQL db).
On the server (windows server 2012) where the db resides, we have Instant JChem (version 6.2) installed.
IJC access a rather big cache (9GB) for doing substrucure searches.
My question:
Is there a way that I use the cache that is currently associated with IJC from my .Net client ?
If yes, what method from the very rich API do I have to use and how do I reference the cache used by IJC in my .Net code ?
Hope to hear from you.
Best regards
AKos GmbH