User 873a9ae9d0
29-04-2014 09:44:15
we have a pretty big chemaxon db hosted in a MySQL db on a Windows 2012 server.
What we want to do is to have a WCF service do searches in that db.
We tried to use both the ChemAxon SOAP and the REST webservices (version 6.2) , but do not succeed because of various issues. The biggest problem is performance. An ordinary substructure search (using the rest api) takes minutes.
Now we installed Instant JChem on the server and doing substructure searches from within that application the substructure takes seconds (instead of minutes).
Now we are wondering if we should (can) go away from the webservice and use the .Net API to access the db.
My question:
Is it possible to have a WCF webservice (hosted on IIS) creating a server cache that can be used by the WCF service for doing e.g. substructure searches in the MySQL db using the ChemAxon .Net packge ?
Of course, since it is a service, it should be possible that more than one user can simultaneously to searches in the db. In our case there might be at a given time up to two or three concurrent users using the service.
Another question: Since we already have a IJC server side cache (accessed by the IJC desktop app running on the windows server)- Could the WCF service via the .Net APi use the IJC server cache. In that case we do not need to create two severside caches (as stated the db is rather big (around 22 million structures).
Hope to hear from you.
Best regards
AKos GmbH