Generate PDF Report of compound Structure

User fec9e52845

19-07-2013 09:20:41

We have using the Marvin or JChem Using .NET API. We need to generate the PDF Report of Calulate Value of Compound along with Compound Structure showing for Marvin Sketch.

Can you please provide the sample code for generate the PDF Report of Compound Structure.





ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

22-07-2013 08:36:24

Dear Siva,

I am not sure we support PDF report generation, if you have PDF writer component you can load a ChemAxon.NET.IKVM.JChemMolecule and fill the report with calculated properties and render it into the report.

You can find some examples: how to use structures.



ChemAxon eb65a25631

22-07-2013 08:42:05


You will not be able to generate PDF reports with JChem.NET API only.

You should export your structures as images with MolExporter, and use a reporting tool to generate the pdf with the desired content.

