where to put license file

User 162d60ff7f

31-01-2013 13:33:11

HI, Guys,


I just installed JChem_NET_API_5_11_5_628.ms on new machine. Thre was no previous chemaxon product installed on it. So install created 3 dirs:

ChemAxon/ChemAxon .NET

ChemAxon/ChemAxon .NET API



Where do I put the license file?

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

31-01-2013 13:37:49


C:\Users\<YOUR USER>\chemaxon is the most common place for it.


User 162d60ff7f

31-01-2013 14:11:29

There is no chemaxon dir in C:\Users\<YOUR USER>\


Shoud I create it manually? IS there a way to put path in environment variable?

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

31-01-2013 14:19:02

Please create one then.

Thank you,Viktor

User 162d60ff7f

02-02-2013 00:43:23

We need to migrate code to hadoop on Linux machine so putting license in C:\Users\<YOUR USER>\chemaxon is not an option. PLease advise on adding lisense path in environmenta variable.

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

02-02-2013 10:17:47

Hi Karen,

I do not really understand your issue because we were talking about the .NET assemblies in this forum.

.NET is a Microsoft platform. Windows is a must have.

In terms of Linux and Java environment questions I think you should reopen the other forum topic with Edvard.

Thank you,



User 162d60ff7f

02-02-2013 15:18:16

I certainly understand that. Our .NET application will be working in Mono on Linux machine



That is why we prefer having path to license in envorinment as we can't put license in C:\Users\<YOUR USER>\chemaxon on Linux machine.

User 162d60ff7f

03-02-2013 01:59:00

OK, seem slike in one of the forums you suggest using "/home/user_name/.chemaxon dir for the license path on Linux machines. Please confirn that this is correct.


One other question. Since we'll be running app in Mono environment on Linux machine I can't use GAC install for .NET and need to add all assemblies directly to solution bin. I added all assemblies from root directory of unzipped JChem_NET_API_5_11_5_628.zip (not included anything from x64,x86,ChemAxon_Native_Win32,ChemAxon_Native_x64).

When I did that I started getting exception:


MEssage: Provider com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found

Stack trace:


   at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()

   at chemaxon.license.XMLReader.readXML(InputStream is)

   at chemaxon.license.XMLVerifier.verifyXML(InputStream xmlIS, Logger logger)

   at chemaxon.license.LicenseReader.verifyCXLContents(InputStream , Boolean , ArrayList )

   at chemaxon.license.LicenseReader.fetch()

   at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.process()

   at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.init()

   at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.isLicensed(String product, String env)

   at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(String product, String env)

   at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.checkLicense()

   at chemaxon.marvin.calculations.TautomerizationPlugin.run()




I confirm that I do have IKVM.OpenJDK.XML.Parse assembly as reference.

What else could be the cause of this?

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

04-02-2013 08:41:02

The license file can be paased through API calls as well, if it is not stable from lInux home:

chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.setLicense() OR .setLicenseFile()
the 1. is the license file content, the 2. is the license file path you can define and pass through.

if you even need the license handler instance for further license manipulations:
licenseHandler = chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.getInstance();

MONO is not supported, we support Micrososft platform, which means that we have never tried out our dotnet library on Linux and Mono.

Why do not you use the java version of our API on LInux?