OK, seem slike in one of the forums you suggest using "/home/user_name/.chemaxon dir for the license path on Linux machines. Please confirn that this is correct.
One other question. Since we'll be running app in Mono environment on Linux machine I can't use GAC install for .NET and need to add all assemblies directly to solution bin. I added all assemblies from root directory of unzipped JChem_NET_API_5_11_5_628.zip (not included anything from x64,x86,ChemAxon_Native_Win32,ChemAxon_Native_x64).
When I did that I started getting exception:
MEssage: Provider com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found
Stack trace:
at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
at chemaxon.license.XMLReader.readXML(InputStream is)
at chemaxon.license.XMLVerifier.verifyXML(InputStream xmlIS, Logger logger)
at chemaxon.license.LicenseReader.verifyCXLContents(InputStream , Boolean , ArrayList )
at chemaxon.license.LicenseReader.fetch()
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.process()
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.init()
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.isLicensed(String product, String env)
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.checkLicense(String product, String env)
at chemaxon.marvin.plugin.CalculatorPlugin.checkLicense()
at chemaxon.marvin.calculations.TautomerizationPlugin.run()
I confirm that I do have IKVM.OpenJDK.XML.Parse assembly as reference.
What else could be the cause of this?