fees for academic licenses of Jchem

User 247a2c5018

06-08-2012 08:56:02

Dear support,


Our information system is based on IDBS tools.(http://chimiotheque-nationale.enscm.fr/)

We would like to evaluate the possiblity to migrate and use Jchem.

We are asking if the JCHEM licences for academics are still free and limited to 3 research/min or totally unlimited?



ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-08-2012 09:03:02


Glad to hear there is interest in using our tools more.

I am not sure the academic package will be relevant here, I assume you want to share database(s) between researchers? If so then this is not good for academic package as it is a personal license (not group) and does not support server use. 

I let Peti Horvath know about this interest he will be in touch for more information and discuss.

User 247a2c5018

06-08-2012 10:00:55

we have academics and industrial users who are registered.

Our database is on a Linux Server with oracle and IDBS cartridge for storing and querying the structures.

It seems surprizing if a personal licence wich does not support server use is requested?. 

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

07-08-2012 13:13:10


I need to ask - is this license for a public website - have you seen our free web offer, we can license many of our products freely for non commercial/no login implementations of our technology. More information here: http://www.chemaxon.com/free-software/


User 247a2c5018

08-08-2012 09:33:54

Our website requires authentification with login/password before querying the database.(we would like to identify who is querying the database)

Is is non commercial website. 

I remember that for academic institut, jchem is limited : 3 substructure search/min.

Which deal could you propose us?

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

10-08-2012 08:51:50

HI Tran,

On one hand we would not provide this under freeweb because you have a login how ever you are not the only non commercial site using login 'just to now who uses"  so in the spirit of the FreeWeb offer.

Can we take this offline email me at "aa_+at_+chemaxon.com" would you.


User 1c2877cd65

02-01-2015 17:49:37

We would like to evaluate the possiblity to migrate and use Jchem.




ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-01-2015 10:11:29


Good to hear of interest. Can you email with details of the use case please. Specifically I need to know:

  1. What is the site for

  2. What ChemAxon functionality are you wanting to implement (products)

  3. What other cheminformatics functionality (other companies products) do you want to use

  4. Does the site have a login?

  5. Who 'owns' the site

  6. Are there any commercial aspects (registration, subscription costs, advertising)

  7. If no commercial aspects, how is the site going to pay for it's self

Please send this to my company email address please: aa__ at __chemaxon__ . __com