User 5494541e12
20-02-2012 11:12:32
I have recently downloaded the new version of marvin 3.8.2 and updated my academic licence for teaching.
Unfortunately, when I try to use the NMR predictor, I get a message indicating that no valid licence has been found.
When I try to reinstall the licence, I get Invalid in the status column.
I have to specify that I get the problem only with the windows installation of marvin and I tried a linux installation that work perfectly.
What is the problem with the windows version?
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
24-02-2012 09:56:58
Hi Arnaud,
Right - the trouble was that the license file included a special character (Université du Maine). Linux can handle this but Windows can't.
I renewed your license and corrected the special character. You can download and install your new license from the My Licenses page of our website (Note you have to be logged in).
Have a nice day,
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
27-02-2012 16:27:19
Hi Dietmar,
I checked your license, and you were right, the trouble was caused by the wicked special character of "ü".
We already solved this one out in private emails, so I hope by now you already finished with your test :)
Have a great day,
User 0fbc97f33f
12-03-2012 12:47:02
today I downloaded JChem for Excel and tried to install an evaluation licence. Unfortunately it showed also only "invalid" für all products. Could it be that the special character "ü" in Düsseldorf creates Problems with my licence too?
Thanks for the help.
ChemAxon e274e1bada
12-03-2012 13:33:55
Yes, it is a known issue in our system, we are working on the fix. Please generate a new license without any special character.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
User 0fbc97f33f
12-03-2012 13:44:52
Hi there,
Sorry to ask such a question, but how exactly do I do this? Where can I change the specific settings with the wrong characters?
I tried MyChemAxon>MySettings. This did't have any effect on the characters in the license file I subsequently downloaded via MyEvaluations.
Thanks again for the help.
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
12-03-2012 15:36:21
Hi Clemens,
Sorry for being a bit late with the answer and with the solution here. You cannot change anything in the license itself so I created a new evaluation license for you.
You have to log in to our website and visit the My Licenses page. The evaluation license on the top will work for you, it does not have any special characters now.
I extended your original evaluation license with the lost one day.
I hope that will work and now you can start your evaluation.
Have a great day,
User 02d47ec30e
18-03-2012 18:42:36
The same problem. I've installed 1/2h ago the newest JChem 5.9.
When I start "/opt/JChem/bin/license" and point to file, it shows status "To be installed","Expiration 2013..."
After [Install] status is "Invalid".
I've got no special characters in name of my university. System is CentOS 5.4.
With the same license file and older JChem (5.3) I could work just some minutes earlier. Now as I recalculated DB for new standard I would prefer to stick to newer version.
please HELP
I've checked again; there is no path to file in error-message:
chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No license file found.
Product name: Structure Search
License path:
Please contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.
ChemAxon e274e1bada
19-03-2012 08:43:01
Please make sure that the JChem is running with the same user who
installed the license. It is easy if you see the 'chemaxon' folder
in the user's home directory. The user who has the license should
run the JChem application.
Let me know if it cannot help.
Best Regards,
User 02d47ec30e
19-03-2012 11:26:58
Hi Edvard and thanks for helping.
JChem lies not in user directory. I always install bigger programs in /opt.
However, as tomcat is started by root (as shown with ps --ef|grep tomcat) I expected that license should be placed in /root/.chemaxon/
The older installation (5.3) was working with this path.
What I find absolutely uncomprehending is that the License Manager can't install license (both License Mangaer and later Sketch were started by root).
What I also tried is to install licences via web-example of database search (setup.jsp). In this case message is that file is not found (even if I picked it with open-dialog).
best wishes, Kris
ChemAxon e274e1bada
19-03-2012 15:19:14
Hi Kris,
It seem to be very strange. If you run JChem with root, the license file in /root/.chemaxon should work.
Please try to remove all of old licenses from your system, and try copying the license file which you want to use to the /root/.chemaxon directory.
If your problem is not solved, please send me your license file by email. You can find my emaio address in my profile.
Best Regards,
User 02d47ec30e
19-03-2012 18:10:54
Hi Edvard,
I've killed yesterday istallation (rm -rf /opt/JChem; rm -rf /opt/JChem-5.9.0) and reinstalled from scratch; i.e.: # install to /opt/JChem or /opt/MarvinBeans
mv /opt/JChem /opt/JChem-5.9.0
ln -s /opt/JChem-5.9.0 /opt/JChem
mv /opt/MarvinBeans /opt/MarvinBeans-5.9.0
ln -s /opt/MarvinBeans-5.9.0 /opt/MarvinBeans
cp /opt/JChem/lib/* /opt/tomcat/lib/
And now everything works (actually already yesterday I copied license file into /root/.chemaxon/ so it was available for new installation). I have no idea what has gone wrong during first installation.
Sorry for wasting of your time and thanks for your effort.
User 0a49bd97a5
31-08-2012 09:46:53
I have the same problem with the invalid license probably because of the special character "ä" in my university's name. I would really appreciate some help.
Thank you.
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
31-08-2012 11:32:13
Dear Leonie,
Yes, you are correct - sorry for the inconvenience. I renewed your license, and changed the special caracter. You can download and install your new license now from the My Licenses page - note you have to be logged in.
Theoretically you'll be able to see only the corrected license now - let us know if it is not working.
Have a nice day,
User 68b4d92b84
11-10-2012 15:00:20
Hey guys,
i have the same problem with my license! I've got a 'ü' in the name of my city (München). Can you help me?
Thanks a lot!!
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
15-10-2012 08:26:54
Hi Andreas,
Yes, you are correct - sorry for all this, we really try to find a solution.
Anyway I renewed your license, so if you log in to our website and visit the My Licenses page, theoretically you'll be able to see one license, this is the correct license without 'ü'.
Let me know if something is wrong yet!
Have a great Monday (if this makes sense at all...),
User 06076d94e3
24-10-2012 10:28:31
i have the same problems with an invalid license file.
Could you please give me a corrected one?
Thank you very much.
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
27-10-2012 14:19:47
Dear Benjamin,
Correct, sorry for the inconveniences, I regenerated your academic license too. If you log in to our website, visit the My Licenses page. Theoretically you'll be able to see there one license - that is the corrected one.
Please download and install the new license.
Have a great weekend,
User 25d107bd42
27-10-2012 15:23:16
Dear Janos,
yesterday I tried to get new license files for the next two years. We need it to start a student course next week. Is there any problem ?
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
27-10-2012 15:41:53
Hi Hans-Ulrich,
Long time! No, I checked your application and right now I accepted it. You should have got an email from us by now regarding your new academic license.
User 25d107bd42
27-10-2012 15:50:25
Hi Janos,
yes, it's now available for download. Two minutes before your answer here. Now we can start on Monday.
Thank you very much !
And a great weekend, too.
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich
User 25d107bd42
29-10-2012 11:46:55
Hi Janos,
now we have problems, too.
On Linux the new license works pefeclty simply by replacing the file in the folder .chemaxon.
But under Windows it doesn't work. Is it possible that it is once more the "umlaut"-problem ?
My university is, as you now, in München.
Could you please change it to Muenchen and produce a new license file.
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich.
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
29-10-2012 12:21:32
Dear Hans-Ulrich,
I think exactly that will be the trouble... Sorry for this, since you used this license file before, I thought the issue won't appear in your case.
Anyway, I renewed your license, please log-in to our website and go to the My Licenses page. On the top of the list there you'll find the new license. Download and install it again - I hope that will solve your issues.
Have a nice day,
User 25d107bd42
29-10-2012 14:35:26
Dear Janos,
now it works also under Windows 7.
Thank you very much for the fast help.
Kind regards, Hans-Ulrich
User 25d107bd42
02-11-2012 14:24:30
Dear Janos,
we tested it now on several Windows notebooks and a Mac and it now works without problems.
And I have changed the umlaut "ü" to "ue" in my forum profile and my academic license form, too *)
I have the suggestion: Give on these pages the hint: users should change in their addresses and so on the letters to the short 26 letters set without "umlauts" and other special letters.
Because Windows and UNIX-Linux often use different letter codes.
Kind regards, Hans-Ulrich
Addition 10 minutes later:
*) Sorry, the change is not stored, so the change is lost.
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
08-11-2012 10:35:17
Hi Hans-Ulrich,
You are right, and we know the issue and working on it, I hope soon it will be solved.
User 790561f659
25-02-2013 18:25:37
Unfortunately I have unwittingly run into the same problem with the name of my university.
Can you please help me out with a new evaluation license?
Best regards,
ChemAxon 0265132c1a
04-03-2013 10:21:33
Dear Nicolas,
Apologies for this bug - it is still among the plans to resolve this. I regenerated your 3 evaluation licenses, obviously restart the 2 weeks expiration time.
To get your new licenses you have to log in to our website, and visit the My Licenses page. There you will be able to download and install your licenses again.
Let me know if something still does not work!
User 790561f659
06-03-2013 12:45:11
Thank you so much! Installation works now, and I'm already starting to have fun :)
Best regards,
User 1ce5824017
02-09-2015 16:55:34
I need help! I removed the license that I used at my former
institution, installed the new valid license and now JChem for Office and Marvin Beans won't work. Every time I install the new license it reverts to the old invalid license. I tried every option listed above with no luck. Please help!
ChemAxon 990acf0dec
03-09-2015 08:43:27
Hi Nicolas,
Please try the following:
1. Close all ChemAxon applications
2. Delete your old license
3. Copy your new license to c:\Users\[userhome]\chemaxon\
4. Start e.g. JChem for Excel, and check if you can Add a structure
Best regards,
ChemAxon d26931946c
03-09-2015 10:51:25
Please send a license report to license-key-support _at_
Best regards,