JChem License Precedence

User 8688ffe688

03-02-2012 06:16:13

Would it be possible to change the license manager behavior in JChemBase.  Here is what I have discovered through testing.

If you have the environment variable CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL set and you have a local copy of the license file the local copy is completely ignored.  This is a problem because you may be not always be connected to the network.  Very disappointing behavior to find out when you are traveling.  I would like to suggest that the behavior should be to check the default location for the license.cxl then if that does not exist then to look for CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL.  I discovered this problem on JChem 5.8.0 on Wndows 7 64bit.  Hope to see this behavior updated in the next release.  Makes developing on the road pretty tough.

ChemAxon e274e1bada

06-02-2012 16:49:39


You can put multiple license file paths in the environment variable separated by ;
If you put the word 'default' in the list, the default local license will be read.
See the documentation: http://www.chemaxon.com/marvin/help/licensedoc/installToDesktop.html

Let me know If your problem has not been solved in this way.

Regards, Edvard