about license

User ce2763288e

30-07-2011 15:04:58


My license file is successfully used in the windows server 2003 system, but recently changed to linux system, I put the license.cxl on /root/.chemaxon/ ,  When I run the "license manager", I can find the license information.

When I search by the web <JChem's home>/examples/simple_db_search/index.jsp

but  error:

No license file found.
Product name: Structure search
License path:
Please contact sales _at_ chemaxon.com to obtain the corresponding license.
Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use
through our Academic Package, for more information
please visit: http://www.chemaxon.com/acpack_conditions.html

Linux  Ubuntu 10.04

  Jchem for Java :Cross platform package without installer



   java 1.6.0_26


Where should I put the license? Thanks!

ChemAxon e274e1bada

03-08-2011 09:16:56


Please make sure that the root user runs the application server which stores your JChem based webapp.
You can also specify the path of the license file eith environment variable or Java property. See the documentation:

If none of them can help you, please let me know


User ce2763288e

04-08-2011 08:01:34


Thanks for your reply.

The documentation is not too detailed. Could you tell me that how to set environment variables? For example, my license file in" / root / .chemaxon/" .  Or  how to write configuration files(profile)?



ChemAxon e274e1bada

04-08-2011 08:33:53

Hi Cy,

have you checked if the user who runs the web server is the root user?

I think you need to use this command to set environment variable in Linux:

export CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL=/root/.chemaxon/license.cxl

I hope this can help you.

Regards, Edvard

User ce2763288e

05-08-2011 04:39:26


Your suggestion works. Thanks.
