User d5a04d01e5
28-02-2011 18:05:56
We updated our ChemAxon license this past January, and everything is supposed to expire in 2012.
We recently started getting a license error when trying to use jcf_react -- the SQL I'm using is:
select jcf_react('[O:1]>>[O:1]C', 'CO', 'method:f mappingstyle:d permuteReactants:n ignoreErrors:y')
from dual;
The JChem cartridge returns the following error:
ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.RemoteException: java.lang.Exception: chemaxon.license.LicenseException: No valid license has been found.
Product name: Reactor Professional
License path: Environment variable: CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL = C:\chemaxon\license.cxl
Please contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.
Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use
through our Academic Package, for more information
please visit:
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCHEM_CORE_PKG", line 349
ORA-06512: at "JCHEM.JCF_REACT", line 8
29532. 00000 - "Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: %s"
* Cause: A Java exception or error was signaled and could not be
resolved by the Java code.
* Action: Modify Java code, if this behavior is not intended.
Error at Line: 1
The license is at C:\chemaxon\license.cxl, but I also tried installing it in my profile on the machine hosting the cartridge, and I also tried putting it in the C:\Program Files\ChemAxon\JChem\cartridge\licenses location. I also tried restarted the JChem cartridge service. However, I am still getting the error.
I noticed in our old license file we had a restriction on Reactor:
<Restriction Name="B/S/P/E" Value="Professional"/>
Our new license file does not contain this line. Not sure whether this is relevant.
Thanks for your help!
Jeri Levine