User 514f4f188b
07-10-2009 12:30:35
I'm facing a problem when trying to user jchem.jar on a customer instance. Their license has an integration restriction defined as:
<Restriction Name="Server Use" Value="Allowed"/><Restriction Name="Integrated With" Value="Kalabie ELN"/>
I cannot find how to indicate to LicenseManager the "Integrated With" value so the license is not recognize, so nothing works...
I made a try with LicenseHandler (which is not in your javadoc, does it mean that we shouldn't use it?). Here is my code:
LicenseHandler.getInstance().setLicenseEnvironment("Kalabie ELN");
if (LicenseHandler.getInstance().isLicensed(LicenseManager.JCHEM)) ...
In this case, the "isLicensed" method returns true, but when I'm runing a search, a LicenseException is raised.
JChemSearch searcher = new JChemSearch();[...];
No valid license has been found.
Product name: Structure search
License path: C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\chemaxon\license.cxl
Please contact sales _at_ to obtain the corresponding license.
Students and academic researchers are entitled of free use
through our Academic Package, for more information
please visit:
I guess the problem is that the LicenseManager is not aware of the "Integrated With" restriction but I can't find how to set it.
I hope you can help.