License error - Updating academic package licenses

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

02-10-2009 16:00:37

From a user

I am trying to use the Structural Frameworks plugin and the error window
prompted me to get a corresponding license. Should I apply for a new
license? Because I have a license and it works for calculating pKa's and
major microspecies.


Yes the Structural Frameworks plugin is a recent addition and if you downloaded your Academic Package license a while ago then you will not be able to operate.

I recommend you (and other academic package subscribers) always download the most recent license before posting to the forum. To get the latest license files please visit these links: Academic Package for teaching, Academic Package for research.

Notice you must first be logged into the forum as the username registered with the academic package, otherwise these links will not work for you.

Let me know if this doesn't help / Alex