User b78df45c95
27-04-2009 10:02:36
I have a web page running on a Linux server with Apache web server. The only part of Marvin I use it the MarvinSketch Applet 5.2.0 for drawing. I communicate the data from the applet with the rest of the system using AJAX.
I have studied all I could find about setting up license files for Marvin, but it all seems to relate to JChem running on a server. As there is no Java, not to mention JChem running on the server, how do I tell the applet where to look for the license file? I guess a parametr to the applet is the only way, but I cannot find anything about this particular problem.
Best regards
ChemAxon 909aee4527
28-04-2009 12:33:16
Hello Beda,
is it possible for you to set up an environment variable on your server?
If the CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL environment variable is defined and points to the license file, it should work if the license file contains licenses with "Server Mode Allowed" fields.
Does this help?
Kind regards,
User b78df45c95
29-04-2009 10:02:28
Sorry, but unfortunately this does not help.
The applet is running in the clients browser and I do not see how it could access this environment variable on the server. Anyway, I tried it and it does not work. It only works if I set the environment variable on the client, but not on the server :(
Is there any way to pass the URL to the applet using javascript or a <param> element in HTML?
BTW. the applet works even if it cannot find any license, so I could use it this way, but it does not seem proper to me.
ChemAxon 909aee4527
30-04-2009 09:39:23
Currently the license files should either be set on the client side or installed to the user home of the server, but this does not allow unlimited functionality.
We will introduce a new applet parameter for setting licenses by the next patch release version (5.2.2).
User b78df45c95
30-04-2009 10:33:00
Dear Judit,
thank you for your help. I am looking forward to trying the new version once it's available.
Best regards
ChemAxon 909aee4527
04-05-2009 07:51:53
Dear Beda,
we will add a notification here as soon as the release is out.
We are sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused.
Kind regards,
ChemAxon 909aee4527
28-05-2009 12:21:09
User b78df45c95
01-06-2009 06:33:03
Dear Judit,
it works perfectly - thanks for your help.
With best regards